Tuesday, February 9, 2016

February 8th - Week 36 "DOCE"

Wow can you believe we are in February! First of all big birthday shout out to Charlie!!!!! 12 years old!!!! Hope you have the best day. 

This week was good and we are seeing more progress! 

Diana and Juan still aren't coming to church which is a bummer but I know they will have their time...

This week we also have started working a lot more with Estella. She wants to be baptized and the only problem is working with her parents. She has been reading the Book of Mormon and praying and knows it's true. She is the cutest, and the smartest 9 year old I have ever met. Yesterday she bore her testimony at church and i couldn't help but cry! It was like a missionary testimony! Super powerful!

We also found a new investigator Jose this week. During the first lesson we were able to commit him to baptism which we are super excited about. The spirit was super strong and I love the power in the first vision. We had another lesson yesterday and he hadn't kept his commitment to read and pray about the BOM but we recommitted him and we will see what happens when we follow up. 

We are also finally seeing progress with a less active Celsa and her daughter Valeria. Celsa didn't know she was a member until yesterday. Haha that was an interesting conversation but she took it really well. Valeria is progressing tons but has really struggled getting to church. she doesn't have desires to go but understands it's necessary. We have had the goal set for this Sunday for about 3 weeks now so I'll be praying for a miracle!!!! But they are so prepared and hopefully Celsa can find motivation to go now that she knows she is a member. 

Camila has started listening again but its so hard to find her in her house when she isn't working. She invited us to her birthday this week and we were able to share with her and we talked a lot more about the church and answered a bunch of questions that she had. 

This week we also kept the tradition going and celebrated another transfer with sushi!!! I can't believe Hna. Challco is halfway thorough her training. I'm excited to have 7 more weeks with her (this transfer is one week longer than usual). 

This week we also were able to watch a broadcast from Buenos Aires about the area plan for Sud America Sur. They are trying to help the members focus on keeping the sabbath day holy, self reliance, and the temple. I am excited to use the plan to help investigators, less actives, and converts and it will be a really good motivater to help people stay strong in the gospel!

Quick spiritual thought for the week. I was studying the conference talk by Elder Keetch and loved how he talked about true obedience. He said ¨true obedience, is giving ourselves entirely to Him and allowing Him to chart our course...understanding that He can make more of us than we could ever make of ourselves¨. That is something that is so important as members and especially as missionaries. I really got to thinking if I'm just obedient or truly obedience! There is definitely a difference. True obedience is doing things because we love our Heavenly Father and Savior. I want to really focus on that this next coming week. 

Love you all so much! 

Hermana Freedman

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